Choose from original drone photos of central Ohio or send in your photos. Print any shape or size.
Drop off, pickup or mailed!
All 4 of the below services will require you to contact me for a quote (see the bottom of the page). Frame is not included if print is mailed.
There are many reasons why there are no fixed prices. No matter which service you use I guarantee your satisfaction.
Main website is: www.droneability.net
Select from existing drone photos.
Select from a catalog of ever-growing original drone photos I’ve created (I have more from most locations, just ask). Print at any shape or size.
The cost for each digital photo is: $25.00 this does not include the cost of the print and frame.
One example estimate: a 24”x36” semi-gloss print from Staples is approx $25.00. A poster frame may cost approx $25.00. Total with catalog photo: approx +/-$75.00.
Request for new drone photo to be created.
Display photos of your house, favorite park or any location in the central Ohio area. It would also be a completely unique photo nobody else has. Print at any shape or size.
The cost for the drone service will depend but for reasonable request it will be: $150.00 (up to 1 hr drone flight) this does not include the cost of the print and frame.
One example estimate: a 24”x36” semi-gloss print from Staples is approx $25.00. A poster frame may cost approx $25.00. Total with drone service: approx +/-$200.00.
Have photos on your phone or computer?
We all have photos on our phone and computer we always wanted to print and display. Could be vacations, family our fur-babies or other. Using AI software, I can enhance and print them any shape and size.
The cost for each photo is: $20.00 this does not include the cost of the print and frame.
One example estimate: a 24”x36” semi-gloss print from Staples is approx $25.00. A poster frame may cost approx $25.00. Total with photo enhancement: approx +/-$70.00.
Have printed photos but want them enhanced?
Not all of us have printed photos unless the photos are fairly old. Most of the time they are not in the best condition. Scan the photo(s), send me the digital copy (or I can scan it for you). Using AI software, I can enhance and print them any shape and size.
The cost for each photo is: $20.00 this does not include the cost of the print and frame.
One example estimate: a 24”x36” semi-gloss print from Staples is approx $25.00. A poster frame may cost approx $25.00. Total with photo enhancement: approx +/-$70.00.